Pregnancy and Dental Hygiene

Mark Willings
02, Aug 2018

The Baby Bug has hit Horbury Dental Care

Our lovely Dental Nurse Jo gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in June, and we have another three babies yet to make an appearance this coming summer and winter. With these life changing plans and new beginnings, we thought it would be a great time to give you some advice on your pregnancy and dental hygiene.

If you are pregnant it is important you look after your dental health so that you can give your new bundle of joy the very best start in life.

Here are a few questions you may have during your pregnancy.

  • Will my gums bleed?
    It’s no secret that your hormones will change throughout your pregnancy and you may find that your body reacts to the bacteria found in your mouth. These bacteria often cause your gums to swell and bleed. It’s important you don’t ignore these early signs, you should check it out with your dentist or dental hygienist straight away. If untreated it can lead to gum disease such as periodontitis or pregnancy gingivitis. Symptoms for all of these can be treated safely during your pregnancy. Treatment usually includes a regular scale and polish, or a deeper clean under the gum to remove the bacteria.
  • Can I have X-rays taken during my pregnancy?
    When you’re pregnant you may find that your dentist will still take X-rays, of course they will ask your permission. X-rays during pregnancy do not carry risks to your baby. Dental X-rays are very low doses of radiation and during pregnancy carry minimal risk of exposing your unborn baby to radiation.
  • Should I change my diet?
    The easiest change you can make for your new baby is your diet. Cutting down on sugary snacks can reduce the risk of tooth decay and is also beneficial to overall health. Drinking lots of water and always having your 5 fruit and veg a day is also a great way of ensuring you and your new baby are healthy.
  • Can I take painkillers or antibiotics?
    It is safe to take painkillers such as paracetamol or antibiotics during your pregnancy however we would always advise that you should always consult your GP or Midwife before doing so.
  • Can I improve my oral hygiene?
    Prevention is always better than cure. A good oral hygiene routine should involve brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, with a fluoride toothpaste. Daily interdental cleaning using your preference of Tepe’s or floss and finally a regular visit to the dentist.

We wish you the best of luck during your pregnancy.

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